M & A preliminary negotiation matters needing attention

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:45:30
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2141

1, preliminary investigation
After determining the target enterprise, M & A can be directly, through various channels to indirectly understand the target company or its shareholders intention, the mutual transfer of information. If the target company or its shareholders are also interested, to understand the basic situation of business and the assumption of cooperation and the basic requirements.
Usually, in the target company or its shareholders to disclose the relevant information, the two sides need to sign a confidentiality agreement, defining the distribution scope of relevant sensitive information. If you hire an independent financial advisor, law firms and accounting firms and other service agencies on the merger issue opinions, should immediately sign a confidentiality agreement with agencies employ.
2, design
According to preliminary research done on the Target Corp or its shareholders, combine enterprise the merger intentions and goals, analyze and evaluate all aspects of design, preliminary merger plan accordingly, M & a merger, acquisition target, procedure, merger on price, the stock proportion, payment, financing, tax planning and accounting treatment planning.
3, M & a letter of intent
If the two sides of M & A for the preliminary design of the merger and acquisition scheme without principles conflict, and hope to promote the exchange of words, but the acquisition target, mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions, schedule, pricing, cost sharing, confidentiality, exclusive provision, termination of such matters of communication and negotiation, and based on a a preliminary consensus, signed a framework of principles, the M & a letter of intent. Usually, M & a letter of intent for M & A has commercial morally binding, but not legally binding, whether the implementation of M & A, is to be conditioned by the due diligence it.


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