Under what circumstances need to achieve growth through strategic acquisitions?

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:52:53
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2017

The success of M & A can reduce the internal competition, the rapid formation of scale effect, reduce the total cost of acquisition, production technology, management experience, advanced business network, professionals and other resources, reduce into new industries and markets obstacle etc. advantage. In order to core business to obtain new core business or strengthen the existing, enterprises can carry out strategic M & a moderate, create long-term development and long-term interests of enterprises by synergistic effect and value of M & A.
In order to avoid the failure of mergers and acquisitions, companies need to comply with the laws, administrative rules and regulations, optimize the management structure, by the articles of association of the enterprise and internal system file specification principal-agent mechanism, try to avoid financial and carried out in order to cater to the short-term financial index of M & a. When the enterprise has abundant funds, advanced management system, excellent human resources and strong R & D capability, can consider the internal business; in the market information and changeable, competitive pressure, the external environment of industry, enterprise competition has a core competence, and the results of cooperation does not affect the core business, consider Alliance strategy.


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