Cultural integration mode of enterprise restructuring

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:56:40
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2966

The enterprise culture is the enterprise staff formed in the conscious and unconscious condition, and constantly with the development of enterprises and the development of. It throughout the enterprise production and management activities, to staff the depths of the soul, to guide the daily work. There are some differences between the two different characteristics and culture orientation, the value management concept, management system and working procedure, recombinant both in contact with each other, communication is easy to collide, confrontation and competition. For example, business philosophy and mode of operation of the conflict of values, the conflict of interests distribution, conflict, conflict management system, personnel system, conflict. If the new company can not properly resolve cultural conflict will lead to interpersonal tensions, management failure, communication interrupt, staff turnover, even irrational reaction, threatening to create the restructuring of the entire operation efficiency and value. As soon as possible in order to form a harmonious working relationship and a strong sense of identification with the organization, after the reorganization of enterprises need to select has the experience and cultural influence management enterprise staff set up cultural integration leadership team, identify the differences of enterprise culture and the choice of the distance, cultural integration model fit, explore absorb advantages, various cultures, as soon as possible to establish a new culture of strong enterprises. According to the reorganization of enterprises of both sides of cultural change and restructuring of enterprise control rights to obtain depth, after the reorganization of enterprises can choose the following cultural integration model:
1, to absorb the type
The restructuring will own culture into the target enterprise, reorganization to completely abandon the assumption of value idea and the behavior of the original, the reorganization have complete enterprise control. The mode of integration of fast, effect is obvious, but it is difficult. Suitable for the restructuring of corporate culture is very strong and extremely good, can win the unanimous approval of target enterprise employee, the reorganization of the original culture is very weak, and completely in a passive position. In the process of implementation, should not negate the target enterprise culture, strengthen communication with employees, emphasizing teamwork, employee working actively, as far as possible to eliminate the target enterprise employees may produce hostility and resist psychological.
2, the fusion
The restructuring of both the new enterprise after restructuring, both sides are organically combined together, form a kind of new culture. The model tends to make the original cultural function is more complete, more perfect structure, cultural differences and conflicts is relatively small, the integration of the resistance is small, but the integration of speed, integration risks and high costs. Corporate culture strength suitable for recombinant both similar, and both appreciate each other's corporate culture, willing to adjust the original culture of some drawbacks of. Such as, Qiangqiang jointly or weak weak combination. In the process of implementation, should respect, communicate actively, promote the dissemination of culture and fusion. Do not be anxious for success, give priority to with me, cause destruction to both sides to avoid the situation.
3, reserved type
Namely, after the completion of the restructuring, reorganization of their original culture basic does not change, still maintained in culture independent. The model of cultural change for the restructuring needs are few, but also a way to target the most acceptable. But the target enterprises usually obtained management greater autonomy, the reorganization will be the target enterprise is the most effective control, has the very high risk management. Suitable for recombinant both strong excellent enterprise culture, the cultural integration of the difficulty and cost of large, at the same time, reorganization after the contact opportunity is not much, not because of culture is not consistent and conflict with big situation. The implementation process, attention should be paid to avoid cultural conflict effectively control employee contact process and the target of the enterprise.
4, die type
The reorganization does not accept the reorganizing party culture, and give up their original culture, the cultural ties between employees and psychological contract breach, values and behavior also become disordered, resulting in the integration of culture in a confused state. Smaller influence this model for the restructuring of culture, but the target enterprise almost assumes all the risk. Suitable for the target enterprise has very weak inferior culture, recombination can master the situation, hope for the enterprise culture reorganization or restructuring after remodeling after divestment situation. In the process of implementation, timely attention to reshape the target enterprise culture, to avoid fierce cultural conflict, chaotic management and market share shrinking cultural integration failure phenomenon.


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