The main content of strategic integration after the reorganization

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:59:55
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2165

If the enterprise restructuring is established on the basis of clear strategy, rather than blindly action in certain opportunities under the induction, after the reorganization of corporate strategy issues in recombinant before signing the contract should have been basically solved. However, after the reorganization of enterprises and two enterprises for independent of each other in terms of strategy, organization, there are some differences in the market competition, plays the role and market position is also different. Therefore, enterprises should re evaluate their faces in different environment and the strategic restructuring, the establishment of new venture strategy and role of recombinant both organizations in the implementation of the new strategy in their.
Due to the internal and external conditions after the reorganization of the enterprises has changed, the dynamic balance to maintain the enterprise and the environment, must be integrated on the reorganization of both the basic idea and overall strategy, the new opportunity of Target Corp now operating conditions and the emerging and potential threats within the strategic adjustment of the consideration, so as to improve the enterprises in particular in the industry or market business advantage, also can prevent the mismatch of recombinant party and the target enterprise business strategy and friction, conflict.
According to the two sides in the strategic reorganization of dependence and independence needs of the different levels, can be respectively take absorption, symbiosis, protection and control of the integration of the four strategic integration model. In order to effectively implement the strategy of integration, in the appropriate control at the same time, through the participation of employees, effective communication and positive cooperation, overcome the original recombinant both strategic barriers, after the reorganization of the strategic implementation of the enterprise's each link, and give full play to the strategic synergy effect.


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