How to determine the price of recombinant target

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:06:01
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2449

1, data collection
The transaction price is often the core restructuring negotiations between the two sides of the process, the price formation is a two player game. But the independent judgment, independent decision-making transaction price is not generated randomly, but built on a solid foundation of objective analysis. In general, the recombinant both sides can analysis, internal environment analysis, value types defined, related matters adjusts four aspects of collecting and analyzing the recombinant target information from the external environment.
2, value assessment
Value evaluation process reengineering is the subject of basic decision basis for restructuring negotiations, both sides will be on the reorganization of recombinant target valuation. There are many kinds of valuation assessment methods, including three basic methods of income method, market method and cost method.
3, price determination
Because of the difference of the evaluation purpose, both sides of the recombinant recombinant subject evaluation results are different. But the assessment results for the restructuring of the two sides set up a value platform. On this basis, the two sides will according to the factors of recombinant strength, negotiation skills and to grasp the extent of information on their assessment of the price of constant revision, eventually forming the price. Generally speaking, the price is the result of restructuring agreement, but in order to maintain market stability, the protection of state-owned assets, the law also made the corresponding provisions of the transaction price part of heavy objects, compliance and enforcement needs in the process of negotiation.


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