The main process of a sole proprietorship enterprise liquidation and subsequent responsibility

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:12:56
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2221

After the liquidation of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the investor or the liquidator designated by the people's court shall prepare a liquidation report, and the registration authority to apply for cancellation of registration within 15 days from. A sole proprietorship enterprise shall apply for the cancellation of registration, the following documents shall be submitted to the Registration Authority signed by the investor or the liquidator: an application for cancellation of registration signed by the investor or the liquidator; liquidation report; other documents prescribed by the State Administration for Industry and commerce. A sole proprietorship enterprise for the cancellation of registration, the business license shall be withdrawn. The registration authority should be in receipt of all the documents within 15 days from the date of approval of the registration or not, make a decision. To approve, issued a notice of approval; not approved, an enterprise registration rejection notice. The registration authority for cancellation of registration, a sole proprietorship enterprise termination. Upon dissolution of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the original debt investors of the sole proprietorship enterprise during its shall still bear the repayment liability, but the creditor within five years not to demand payment request, the responsibility for the eradication of.