The main process of the liquidation of the partnership ended and the subsequent responsibility

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:14:06
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2624

At the end of the liquidation, the liquidator shall prepare a liquidation report, after all the partners have signed, sealed, within 15 days to submit a liquidation report to the enterprise registration organ, apply for the cancellation of registration of the partnership. The partnership for cancellation of registration, it shall submit the following documents: application for registration of a liquidator signed off; the people's court bankruptcy ruling, the partnership enterprise in accordance with the law of partnership enterprise decision, the administrative organ shall order it to close down, partnership, its business license is revoked or cancelled file; all the partners, the liquidation report signature stamped; other documents required by the administrative department for Industry and Commerce of the state council. The partnership for the cancellation of registration, the business license shall be withdrawn. The enterprise registration organ for cancellation of registration, a partnership termination. The de registration of the partnership, the general partner of debt for the duration of the partnership shall bear unlimited joint and several liability.


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