The principle of distribution of surplus property in the process of corporate dissolution and liquidation

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:15:51
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2652

1, the remaining property company
The property of the company in respectively the liquidation expenses, wages of employees, social insurance premiums and statutory compensation, payment of taxes owed, the remaining property after Liquidation Liabilities of the company, limited liability company distributed according to the proportion of capital contribution of the shareholders, the Limited by Share Ltd in accordance with the distribution of the shares held by the shareholders in proportion.
The remaining 2, partnership property
The remaining property after paying the liquidation expenses and staff salaries, social insurance, statutory compensation and payment of taxes owed, after paying off the debts of the partnership property, shall be handled in accordance with the partnership agreement; not specified in the partnership agreement or the agreement is not clear, decided by the partners consultation; consultation fails, by the partners in accordance with the actual payment the proportion of investment allocation, sharing; unable to determine the proportion of investment, shared by the partners, the average distribution.
The remaining property of the sole proprietorship enterprise 3,
Dissolution of individual proprietorship enterprises, in accordance with the remaining property order liquidation owed wages and social insurance premiums, taxes owed, other debt after all, return to investors.


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