What will cause the enterprise dissolution?

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:23:26
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2290

1, company dissolution
(1) self dissolution
Voluntary dissolution causes include business term: the articles of association of the company or the company's articles of association of other reasons for dissolution and the dissolution of shareholders or the general meeting of shareholders resolution two categories. For the articles of association of the company clearly stipulates the existence of the company at the expiration of the term of dissolution of the company or company was founded to complete or not complete, the losses of the company reaches a certain amount, causes the operating conditions change, dissolution of the company when the conditions are fulfilled, the dissolution of self dissolution, the company shall.
(2) mandatory dissolution
Compulsory dissolution causes include the administrative department for Industry and commerce enterprise business license revoked according to law and authority to revoke or decision to shut down two categories.
(3) the judicial dissolution
There are serious difficulties in the management of the company, its continued existence would cause major damage to the interests of shareholders, cannot be solved by any other means, holding company shareholder vote more than 10% of the shareholders, may request the people's court for the dissolution of the company.
2, the cause for dissolution of the partnership
The partnership has one of the following cases, the partnership shall be dissolved: the expiration of the period, the partners decided not to run; the reasons for dissolution stipulated in the partnership agreement; all the partners decide to dissolve; partner does not have a quorum for thirty days; partnership purpose prescribed by the partnership agreement has been achieved or cannot be achieved; its business license is revoked, shall be ordered to close down or revoked; other reasons stipulated in laws, administrative rules and regulations.
3, a sole proprietorship enterprise dissolution
A sole proprietorship enterprise is one of the following circumstances, shall be dissolved: investors decided to dissolve; investors dies or is declared dead, no successor or successors renounced his inheritance; the business license is revoked according to law; other circumstances stipulated by the laws, administrative rules and regulations.


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