The bankrupt property change process and the matters needing attention

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:37:31
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2666

The administrator shall promptly formulate appraisal project for bankruptcy property, submit the creditors meeting. Resolutions of the creditors' meeting, the meeting of creditors with the right to vote by more than half, with the amount of credits represented accounted for more than 1/2 of the total amount of the claims not secured with property. The creditors thought the resolutions of the creditors' meeting in violation of the law, damage the interests of May, within fifteen days from the date of decision making in the creditors' meeting, request the people's court shall revoke the resolution, the creditors' meeting to make decisions according to law.
After a meeting of creditors to vote, conversion scheme of the debtor's property management plan and the bankruptcy property failed, the people's court shall rule. The creditor refuses to accept the decision of the people's court, the decision is announced to date or the date of receipt of the notification within fifteen days from the date of application for reconsideration to the people's court. Order shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration execution.
The administrator shall appraisal project for bankruptcy property by the creditors' meeting or the people's court in accordance with the provisions of law ruling, the bankruptcy property timely sold off. In addition to the creditors' meeting shall otherwise determine, bankruptcy property shall be sold off by auction. The bankrupt enterprise may be wholly or partially sold off. Companies sold off, can be one of the intangible assets and other property alone sold off. In accordance with the transfer can not auction or restrict the property provisions of the state, shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the state on the way.


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