Declare and confirm of bankruptcy claims

  • Time: 2013-08-01 11:40:39
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2536

1, bankruptcy claims
The people's court accepts the application for bankruptcy, in addition to administrative, judicial organs fine, to the bankrupt enterprise and other related expenses; the people's court accepts the bankruptcy case the debtor fails to pay payable payment; creditors in bankruptcy cost bankruptcy enterprises; equity, stock holders rights at stake, stocks on the outside, declaration of bankruptcy claims not secured with property, joint debtor creditor, conditional bankruptcy claims, outstanding debt, tax creditor's rights in bankruptcy claims shall be determined by the people's court to declare the creditor's rights within the term for.
2, bankrupt creditor's rights confirmation
China's bankrupt creditor's rights confirmation procedures by the management review, the creditors' meeting verification and people's court ruling confirmed the composition of the three links.


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