The main process to perform merger and acquisition contracts

  • Time: 2013-08-01 14:20:30
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2543

The essence of transnational M & A is by the way of merger and acquisition of foreign investors in the host country, the establishment or alteration of the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises. Transnational M & A in addition to comply with the green investment review requirements, meet certain conditions of overseas mergers and acquisitions also assume the safety examination and anti-monopoly review. If a security review and anti-monopoly review of mergers and acquisitions has not yet ended, the establishment of green investment enterprise shall generally not be started.
The laws and regulations of our country, foreign international entrepreneurs acquire domestic various properties, types of ownership, the domestic enterprises shall, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant national laws and regulations, in accordance with the foreign investment enterprises current approval procedures, approval by the examination and approval authorities for foreign investment enterprises change. After approval, the examination and approval authority shall issue the foreign investment enterprise approval certificate, business license issued by the administrative department for Industry and commerce to enterprises with foreign investment.


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