Search and survey way for international business partners

  • Time: 2013-08-01 14:28:13
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2208

After determining the choice of international business, international entrepreneurs need to trade fairs, the host country fair, fair and other large business meetings and a variety of newspapers, magazines, radio host country, television, looking for partners to understand. Preliminary identify partners, international entrepreneurs should communicate and interact with the partners and the government of the host country, a comprehensive understanding of partners is famous degree, economic strength, technology level, product sales network, management experience, business reputation, public relations, historical background, scope of business, production and operation conditions, to determine the the truth and credit quality, which is the preparation for further negotiation and contract.
In order to ensure the authenticity of international partners, entrepreneurs can self research, or through partners where the enterprise registration department, the examination and approval authority, embassies and consulates and related intermediary agencies, to fully understand the verification of the host country's business environment, the project reality and partners of the historical background, financial status, management status, credit records such information as the. In order to make timely and effective decision-making, reduce business risk.


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