International business location selection method

  • Time: 2013-08-01 14:32:03
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2777

The research on international entrepreneurship opportunity, once found a valuable international entrepreneurial opportunity, should be sent to overseas field trips and understanding. If ready to establish joint venture or cooperation enterprises, with overseas partners signed a letter of intent. On this basis, the enterprise should study of entrepreneurial feasibility international, so that the rational use of resources, achieve social and economic benefits. Focus on entrepreneurial feasibility international basic research is in the international business opportunities, are more specific, detailed, in-depth evaluation of selected target location advantage. Then, combined with their own entrepreneurial advantages determine the business objectives, fields, methods, location and scale, and to evaluate the risks and benefits.
In general, entrepreneurs choose international business location, location of the alternative investment mainly the following four topics: the policy of the host country of international entrepreneurship framework; business facilitation measures; economic factors; the host country to participate in international policy situation.
Policy of the host country international entrepreneurship framework is one of the most important factors influencing the enterprise location decision making, it mainly consists of three parts: one is the rules and regulations of international entrepreneurial entry and management. Such as, subject qualification, investment field, form of organization, the total amount of investment, investment way, investment ratio, investment period, investment period, capital price, the site use, income distribution, dissolution and liquidation; two is the international standard of treatment for entrepreneurs. Such as, national treatment, most favored nation treatment, the international minimum standard of treatment; three is the international entrepreneurs in the operation of the market function. Such as, nationalization, foreign exchange control. These policies are often in order to meet the various goals. Such as, reduced or increased foreign direct investment, the impact of foreign direct investment, industrial structure and geographical distribution.
Because the policy of every host international entrepreneurship framework tends to unity, enterprises in international business location decisions, more will consider business facilitation measures outside the host country of international entrepreneurship policy framework. Such as, set up the "one stop service" and other investment promotion; incentives to finance, financial, market and other investment.
Business facilitation measures are only auxiliary factors of international business location decisions, not meet the needs of the economic determinants, any commercial facilities to attract a large number of entrepreneurs. Economic factors generally include natural resources, the domestic market, creative assets, agglomeration economy, labor resources.
The host country in attracting and influencing international entrepreneurship process, signed international agreements many. Such as, bilateral investment treaties, multilateral investment framework, regional integration framework. The host country to participate in international policy framework will affect enterprises in the international venture host.


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