Event identification is the basis of enterprise risk management

  • Time: 2013-08-01 14:39:48
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2264

Matters, is refers to the accident or incident from internal or external sources influence the entrepreneurial strategy implementation or goal. On behalf of the venture has negative effects; matters have negative effects on positive or counteract the risk of represents of entrepreneurial opportunity. Business event identification, refers to the use of various methods and knowledge of entrepreneurship, various issues have not yet occurred, potential system, comprehensive, continuous identification, collection, classification, causes and process and analyze the matters of. It is the basis of enterprise risk management, including matters influencing factors, event and matters concerning the effects of information collection, found a source potential legal risks and opportunities. Entrepreneurial risk needs to be assessed and taken measures, entrepreneurial opportunities will feedback to the entrepreneurial strategic planning and goal setting process.


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