Training courses of EIM(Element Integration Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:39:25
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 27667

  A. The new enterprise platform, the effective integration of enterprise resources


  1, Prominent problems


  If the entrepreneurs to engage in business activities, he must obtain the qualification of production or business by set up a new legal entity in accordance with the law, so as to improve the stability and sustainability of entrepreneurship. But the establishment of an enterprise is not licensed the moment, is not some independent events such as registered, but an innovative economic activity growing out of nothing and from simple to complex. The high degree of uncertainty requires entrepreneurs through the systemic method objectively examine their opportunities and risks, and make the right choice. Otherwise, he is bound to be the market.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  To familiar with the basic process and main methods of establishing new enterprises, improve the new enterprise's actual operation ability.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The structure of enterprise value target and the method of determining;

  (2) The main types of organization and its advantages and disadvantages;

  (3) The basic process and the main methods of technology integration;

  (4) The basic process and the main methods of team integration;

  (5) The basic process and the main methods of financial integration;

  (6) The basic process and the matters needing attention for the development of charter;

  (7) The basic process and the matters needing attention for the registration.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to set up a new legal entity in accordance with legal procedures in the uncertain environment, and access to production or business qualification, initially formed the ability to grasp business opportunities.