Training courses of EIM(Element Integration Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:39:25
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 27723

   C. Enterprise alliance is an important way to enhance the entrepreneurial organization flexibility and elasticity


  1, Prominent problems


  Enterprise alliance to help enterprises improve the market position, make full use of resources, access to economies of scale, reduce development risk, avoidance of legal obstacles, overcome trade barriers, so as to realize the goal itself. But our country is still in the primary stage of enterprise alliance, many entrepreneurs lack of long-term strategic objectives and consciousness of cooperation, alliance method is relatively simple, relatively extensive alliance management, difficult to effectively tap the potential value of the enterprise alliance, even because of the cultural conflict and interest predicament causes alliance member disunity, trapped in a "lose-lose".


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the basic process and the main method of the establishment of enterprise alliance, improved the management level of enterprise alliance, the timely establishment of enterprise group.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The main aspects and matters needing attention of alliance decision;

  (2) The main content and the matters needing attention of alliance negotiations;

  (3) Key contents and methods of the common enterprise alliance management;

  (4) Key contents and methods of the commercial franchise management;

  (5) Key contents and methods of industrial technology innovation alliance management;

  (6) The main method and matters needing attention of alliance evaluation;

  (7) The group formation process and the matters needing attention.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to achieve economies of scale, resource complementarity, market development, technology innovation. through enterprise alliance from the point of view of their own strategic objectives.