Training courses of EIM(Element Integration Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:39:25
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 27723

   G. Reduce bankruptcy costs, reconstruction of trade credit


  1, Prominent problems


  Market economy is a competitive economy, in the action of law of value, the survival of the fittest can hardly be avoided, bankruptcy become an important way for failure enterprises to withdraw from the market. But compared with the ongoing businesses, great changes have taken place after going through the procedures of bankruptcy, such as the internal control subject and stakeholder etc. The bankruptcy liquidation is easy to damage the interests of creditors, resulting in the loss of state-owned assets, defiled the bankruptcy legal system, harm social stability. Such as fraud, bribery, illegal liquidation etc..


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the bankruptcy application conditions and the basic flow, grasp the main way for enterprises to regeneration, reduce the cost of bankruptcy, reconstruction of trade credit.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The bankruptcy application conditions and insolvency administrator of the selection considerations;

  (2) The bankrupt property cleaning process and the matters needing attention;

  (3) The basic process and the matters needing attention of the bankruptcy claims defining;

  (4) Main way for enterprises to regeneration and the matters needing attention;

  (5) The basic process and the matters needing attention of the bankruptcy liquidation.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the bankrupt or insolvent debtor enterprise to resolve the economic crisis, the reconstruction of trade credit, reduce bankruptcy costs, protection of the debtor, creditors and other stakeholders interests.