Training courses of EIM(Element Integration Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:39:25
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 27765

   H. Grasp the opportunities for international entrepreneurship, integration of global resources


  1, Prominent problems


  With the changes of international environment, the international market homogeneous enhancement and transnational trade cost reduction, the international competition presents the regional competition internationalization, localization, of international competition, diversification of competition. In this international competition environment, if enterprises want to survive and develop, must participate in the global competition. But in face of the huge change in the business environment and increasing the degree of environmental uncertainty, international entrepreneurship will inevitably encounter all kinds of obstacles and setbacks. Once the failure of international entrepreneurship strategy, not only all one's efforts wasted a lot of money, but also will greatly affect the enterprise's internal stability and external image.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Master the process and method of international entrepreneurial decision, understand the basic process and method of international business negotiation, familiar with the basic mode of international business practices, such as foreign trade, greenfield investment, cross-border M & A, through the international entrepreneurship breakthrough resource constraints, occupy the overseas market, expanding international influence, improve the technological level and economic benefits.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The basic process and the main methods of international entrepreneurial decision;

  (2) The international business negotiation process and the matters needing attention;

  (3) The main parts and matters needing attention of foreign trade contract signing and performance;

  (4) The main parts and matters needing attention of green investment contract signing and performance;

  (5) The main parts and matters needing attention of transnational merger contract sign and implement;

  (6) International business dispute resolution methods and matters needing attention.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization breakthrough in home market, integration of global resources, grasp the international business opportunities, reduce the international business risk, realize the maximization of enterprise value.