Training courses of PIM(Precision Innovation Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:37:27
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 25084

  A. Formatting duties and power relations system to adapt to the changing environment through the organization innovation


  1, Prominent problems


  The entrepreneurial organization is cured and ensure the entrepreneurial model, a good business model must be confirmed in order to guarantee the stability and sustainability through a certain organization. But a lot of business organization has obvious family characteristics, such as only one big share, complex ownership structure, be a law onto oneself, appoint people by favouritism. This organization mode is not conducive to cooperation between investors, the introduction of excellent management personnel and improve the scientific management decision-making, reduce the credit level of enterprise, increased business risk, led to banks and investors reluctant to their loans and investments.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  There are objective, system establishment, adjustment and innovation entrepreneurship organizational responsibility structure, organization scale, channels of communication, role orientation, the relationship between the organization and other organizations, so as to formatting the duties and power relations system which can adapt to the change of the organizational environment, technology characteristics and organization's mission.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) Setting reasonable corporate governance mode to ensure the appropriateness of business planning and decomposition layers, transfer and implementation in the operation level;

  (2) Using the organizational structure appropriate to improve the ability to adapt to the environment;

  (3) Selecting a suitable management mode to enhance organizational lateral communication, longitudinal control and process optimization;

  (4) The principle and method of function further refinement of the functional units or departments;

  (5) Perfect and effective internal control system is the behavior rule of enterprise management activities.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization effectively balance the horizontal communication and longitudinal control, in order to improve entrepreneurial organization efficiency, realize the business plan objectives.