Training courses of PIM(Precision Innovation Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:37:27
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 25089

   D. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information resources allocation through information resources innovation


  1, Prominent problems


  With the rapid development of information technology, information resources throughout the whole process of entrepreneurship. Who occupy the information, who will be able to timely and effectively to develop business planning, priority to occupy the market, thereby enhancing entrepreneurship ability, promote the value of entrepreneurship. Suffer from interference and influence of various factors, information obtained by entrepreneurial organization often exists some information barriers, such as information surplus, information blocking, or incomplete information, inadequate information, untimely information etc..Under certain conditions, information barriers will lead to information distorted, for instance information delay, information limit, information waste, thereby increasing the information acquisition cost, reduce the information value, affect the enterprise economic benefit.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Adjust the anticipation of the distribution and assignment of information, improve efficiency and effectiveness of information resource allocation, promote the formulation and implementation of the business plan.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The contents and methods of information resources analysis;

  (2) Types and refinement of information resources planning;

  (3) Approaches and methods of information resources collection and processing;

  (4) The main method of selection and organization of information resource;

  (5) The main way and method for storage and retrieval of information resources;

  (6) The matters needing attention of information transmission and feedback.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization reasonable allocation and layout of information, people, information equipment and information facilities, so that information from huge disordered to ordered classification, from noise upgrade to the knowledge and wisdom, as small as possible the cost to obtain the benefit as large as possible , to maximize the value of information.