Training courses of PIM(Precision Innovation Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:37:27
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 25089

   . Through innovation of production and operation to expand the business value space


  1, Prominent problems


  Realize the value of entrepreneurship must ultimately be reflected in the degree of innovation enterprises to provide products or services, and product or service innovation depends largely on the production and operation enterprise innovation ability. But some business organizations exist production planning, production and operation system, lack of narrow production process confusion, unstable product quality, waste phenomenon is serious, the market reaction speed is slow and many other issues, leading to serious conflicts of interest, Department of production and operation efficiency, and realize the serious influence enterprise planning.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  To establish a market-oriented consciousness, form the planning of production and operation, set up and improve the system of production and operation, expand the business value space.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) Planning production and operation system according to the enterprise strategic target;

  (2) The main course and content about how to design the production and operation system;

  (3) The main aspects and content in the running of the production and operation system;

  (4) Evaluation and improvement the production and operation system according to the market changes.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization optimal allocation of production resources, rational allocation of production tasks, ensure smooth operation of production system, in order to better meet the needs of society, maximize the target of value-added and entrepreneurial planning objectives.