Training courses of PIM(Precision Innovation Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:37:27
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 25089

   G. More efficient transfer the desired goods or services of the target market through marketing innovation


  1, Prominent problems


  With the coming of post - industrial era, consumer demand are more diversified. This provides more business opportunities for entrepreneurs, also requires enterprises to better understand the target market's needs and desires, more efficient transfer the desired goods or services of the target market, to better meet the needs and desires of the target market. But because of the limitations of management concept and resource conditions in the entrepreneurial organization, it is difficult to provide comprehensive support for the consumer, so that consumers often have misgivings in the purchase of enterprise products.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Analysis changes of business environment and customer needs, formulate specific enterprise marketing planning, understanding the process,method and matters needing attention of implementation and improvement of marketing planning.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The strategy and method about realizing the goal of marketing;

  (2) The process and the matters needing attention about the implementation of marketing planning;

  (3) Marketing improvement according to changes in the business environment and customer needs.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization set up the modern management idea, seek the best target market, innovate product development and management, speed up the product realization process, to ensure the smooth implementation of the business plan.