Training courses of ERM(Enterprise Risk Management)

  • Time: 2013-08-02 09:30:51
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 3042

  A. Recognition and binding of the enterprise boundary


  1, Prominent problems


  Business planning usually covers 3 - 10 years of development, the necessary conditions to develop and implement business planning for many and great uncertainty, and resource and capability of entrepreneurship organizational generally scarce. It is difficult to ensure that all the conditions necessary for the formulation and implementation of the business plan can be satisfied with, which makes the entrepreneurial risk exists objectively to the will of the people. Characteristics of business uncertainty makes the formulation and implementation of the business plan is often accompanied with fuzziness, discontinuity and high risk, business planning objectives are often difficult to achieve, even make the crowning calamity suffered in the process of implementing the business plan.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Strengthen the risk consciousness, familiar with the process of risk management, establish and perfect the risk response plan.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The basic process and the main methods of event identification;

  (2) The basic process and the main method of risk assessment;

  (3) The risk response plan and its combination;

  (4) The risk response plan execution, modification and change.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization in identifying potential events likely to affect the formulation and implementation of the business plan, and manage the venture within its risk preference, so as to grasp the business boundary problem, and achieve the optimal balance between business objectives and related risks.