The main process to perform foreign trade contracts

  • Time: 2013-08-01 14:25:08
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2624

1, the export performance of the contract
A legally valid contract, the parties must perform its obligations under the contract. In China's export trade, most of the CIF or CIP terms, payment and payment by letter of credit. This kind of export contract covers a wide range, working links, complicated procedures, and many factors affect the performance of the. Perform procedures generally include: delivery, reminder cards, checking, correcting, chartering, booking, customs clearance, inspection, insurance, shipping, documentation, settlement and link. In these areas, the following four aspects of the work of the most important.
2, the import contract
In China's import trade, such as the F0B or FCA terms, according to the letter of credit payment transactions, the import contract procedures generally include: letter of credit, chartering transportation and pick up the goods, insurance, examination and payment of foreign exchange, customs and receiving, inspection, and shall import claim work link.


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