SLEEING business consultant membership benefits

  • Time: 2013-08-17 23:59:42
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2415

  1, Project income


  SLEEING members can participate in the process of business consultancy project from any links, such as opportunity mining, market research, business negotiation, plan formulation, plan implementation, risk control etc,. SLEEING will select the general contractor or signing contract forms to provide consulting services for entrepreneurs according to the specific circumstances of members and project. Through effective co-operation among members, can reduce the project risk, improve the profit space, and realize the revenue sharing.


  2, Value-added proceeds


  Through the integration of elements between members, members can expand the traditional business scale, innovative value-added service means, reduce consulting business costs, improve resource utilization efficiency, realize the added value.


  3, Latent earnings


  Through knowledge spillovers and brand interaction between members, members can rapidly enhance brand reputation, improve the professional service capabilities, access to business opportunities, share market development achievements.