SLEEING business consultant membership join process

  • Time: 2013-08-18 00:01:33
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2587

  1, understand SLEEING


  You can be a preliminary understanding of SLEEING strategy, culture and product through browse the website (;


  2, understand membership policy


  Carefully read the "SLEEING business consultant membership recruitment letter", to understand the recruitment background, membership system, membership benefits, support system and so on, can also carry out two-way communication through the hotline (+86 10 62530048);


  3, membership application


  You can fill in the "SLEEING business consultant membership application form" according to the specific circumstances, and sent to SLEEING member mailbox (slh@;


  4, member registration


  SLEEING will review your application for membership in five working days. Eligible applicants can free online registration SLEEING membership. Membership after successful registration will be a membership account and password, member by membership account and password to enjoy the rights and interests of the members of SLEEING. Members take full responsibility for the security of member account and password and the consequences of all activities and events through its membership account;


  5, member communication


  After becoming a member, members can communicate instantly through membership online communication system with SLEEING and the other member;


  6, training and presentation


  Members can through the member online training system to fully understand the business strategy consulting related knowledge and main tool, also can through the member online display system show your view and case. SLEEING will invite outstanding members participate in the on-site training of senior consultant for free, share best consulting practice;


  7, business development


  SLEEING will provide the market sharing system and Knowledge sharing system according to the specific circumstances, in order to jointly develop the market, improve the service ability.