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What is the enterprise alliance?

  • Time: 2013-08-22 16:42:30
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1849

  Enterprise alliance refers to a consortium of two or more than two enterprises established to achieve common strategic objectives. Through equity participation or contract, the body can achieve complementarity of resources, risk sharing, benefit sharing, while maintaining their independence at the same time.From the integration degree, the enterprise alliance is a organization form between market and enterprise. compared with the market and hierarchical organization, it has the features of strategic goal, the relations of equality, organization is loose, the sharing of resources, diversity of form. According to the difference in the degree of participation, enterprise alliance can be divided into equity alliance and contractual alliance; according to the difference in cooperation links, enterprise alliance can be divided into horizontal alliance, vertical alliance and mixed alliance; according to the difference in strategic goal, enterprise alliance can be divided into R&D alliance, production alliance, marketing alliance and knowledge alliance; according to the difference in the degree of potential conflict, enterprise alliance can be divided into pro competitive alliance, non competitive alliance, pre competitive alliance and competitive alliance; according to the difference in regions, enterprise alliance can be divided into domestic enterprises alliance and international enterprise alliance.



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