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What is the enterprise dissolution?

  • Time: 2013-08-22 16:38:12
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1750

  Enterprise dissolution is refers to the legal behavior of terminating enterprises due to occur the stipulated reasons of laws, regulations or agreement. Enterprise dissolution according to the law can maintain shareholder rights and interests, corporate debt and related business.

  Liquidation refers to clean up the enterprise property, creditor, debt, and end existing legal relation of enterprises in accordance with legal after the dissolution appears.In accordance with the provisions of Chinese laws, in addition to merger and division, dissolution general needs through liquidation to cancel the registration of enterprises. Liquidation includes legal liquidation and arbitrary liquidation two types. Chinese company liquidation belong to the legal liquidation, China's "partnership enterprise law" and "individual proprietorship enterprise law" has prescribed the liquidation procedure specific, but with certain elements of arbitrary liquidation.



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