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What is the enterprise bankruptcy?

  • Time: 2013-08-22 16:36:43
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2113

  Enterprise bankruptcy is the method and way that when the enterprise fails to pay off its due debts, and the property is insufficient to pay off all debts or obviously lack of liquidity, it through the procedures of bankruptcy liquidation, bankruptcy reconciliation and bankruptcy reorganization, to get out of debt, reconstruction of trade credit, and realizing enterprise regeneration.

  Growth is the main direction of the enterprise, but in the face of fierce market competition, there are still many enterprises are facing bankruptcy, its reason mainly has the following two aspects: one is the internal factors. Such as, strategic decision-making, strategic resources do not match, the corporate culture alienation, enterprise crisis improper disposal; on the other hand is the external factor. Such as, political instability, economic crisis, natural disasters, illegal events, lack of credit.



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