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What is the enterprise set-up?

  • Time: 2013-08-26 11:10:47
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2500

  The enterprise is a for-profit social organizations of independent operation, independent accounting, established in accordance with the law which continuously engaged in commodity production, circulation, services and other economic activities, in order to meet the needs of the community. The enterprise set-up is the entrepreneur set up a new legal entity obtained the production and operation qualification in accordance with legal procedures, in order to seize business opportunities and effective integrate production factors in the uncertainty environment. The enterprise set-up includes two aspects of dynamic and static. From the dynamic meaning, the enterprise set-up is a kind of set up activities, set up behavior, set up process; from the static meaning, the enterprise set-up is the result of the above activities, behavior and process, and is the organizational description of the result.



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