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What is the risk management?

  • Time: 2013-08-26 11:11:56
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2270

  Business strategic management in a dynamic and complex environment assumption, tend to break equilibrium through the transformation to change business situation, and continue inject the entrepreneurship and innovation to achieve leapfrog development, risk filled every entrepreneurial corner and the whole life cycle. But risk can be prevented just take a scientific means of risk management, due to risk factors transformed from the necessary conditions of the entrepreneurial process. Generally speaking, enterprise risk management mainly consists of event identification, risk assessment, risk response, risk monitoring four aspects.

  Risk management enables entrepreneurs respond effectively to the risks and opportunities derived from the Uncertain entrepreneurial environment, strive to achieve the optimal balance between the business objectives and related risks, enhancing the capability of value creation. It determines the entrepreneurial risk attitude, risk strategy and bearing capacity, solves the problem of enterprise boundary.



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