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What are the elements integration?

  • Time: 2013-08-26 11:12:54
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2137

  Element integration is the process that business plan translate into action and results. Enterprise value maximization requires entrepreneurs to overcome the path dependence of original thinking and elements conditions in the assessment of market opportunities, and understand trends in the market value from the perspective of new market entrants, and promptly and resolutely take the corresponding value creation action as a lever. Whether could timely integration of elements necessary, directly affects the overall scale of the business organization and ability to implement business planning in the future. Integration is not timely or not properly will bring profound influence to the further developed of entrepreneurial organizations.

  Through organization and coordination, element integration can integrated stakeholders and functional separated from each other in the entrepreneurial process into a value creation system. It decided entrepreneurs how to choose resources, allocation of resources and building capabilities, solving the problem of entrepreneurial tool.



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