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What is the business strategic management?

  • Time: 2013-08-26 11:15:11
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2319

  Business strategic management is a general administration of entrepreneurial activity, which is a series of management decisions and actions in the process of achieving business value, relates to entrepreneurship at all levels and fields. Only by establishing a complete and effective business strategy management system, entrepreneurs can continue to acquire entrepreneurial ability, seize the opportunities in the dynamic and complex environment, achieve the long-term development goals of enterprise. From the point of view of business strategic management process, strategy management system including three stages - strategy planning, strategy implementation and risk prevention. From the perspective of entrepreneurial ability construction, business strategic management system include five major ability - opportunity management, value management, element integration, precision innovation and risk management.

  In the face of changing environment, business strategic management is a dynamic development process. In a sense, the entrepreneurial process is the process of business strategy planning, implementation and risk prevention, entrepreneurial spirit only through the business strategy can be comprehensive, thorough implementation and execution, only through continuous cycle of three stages and five kinds of ability, entrepreneurs can be sustained reconstruction of the entrepreneurial ability to adapt to environmental changes during the life cycle, promote the benign development of entrepreneurship.



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