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  Circulating training is a unique entrepreneurial training pattern we use. Through a virtuous cycle between business coach of enterprise and our business consultant, circulating training is conducive to promoting the great-leap-forward development of enterprises. It is due to the circulating training can regulate the unbalanced conditions effectively in the structure of knowledge and ability level of entrepreneurial teams, can form a common vision, innovative ideas, channel of elements in the process of formulation and implementation of business strategy, can improve cohesion, insight and creativity of the entrepreneurial team continuously in the process of entrepreneurial opportunities into entrepreneurial action......

Circulating training course system of SLEEING 




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· The three aspects of optimizing enterprise human quality

· Three important links to build the enterprise organization management mode

· How to carry out the job design of entrepreneurial organization?

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· Appropriate staff training can effectively improve the business performance

· The main contents of allocation and adjustment of the staff

· How to attract and retain good employees through the salary management?

· How to realize the benign cycle of performance management?



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