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       In entrepreneurial budding period solutions, enterprises have registered, entrepreneurial team has begun to take shape, very entrepreneurial, fewer competitors, all kinds of projects do many things at once, innovation management be a multitude of things. But the management model has not yet been established, product or service is still in the testing stage, the technology is not perfect, small batch, high manufacturing cost, selling price is on the high side, customer identification degree is low, sales volume is very limited, low profit or even losses, lack of capital, high survival risk.

  In budding period, entrepreneurial organization need a solution to strengthen the innovation management, and effective plan, assessment, control all kinds of project, in order to achieve target on time, according to quality, and according to the budget, improve the ability to resist risks of enterprises......


SLEEING's consulting program of entrepreneurial budding period solution


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How to establish and perfect the enterprise strategic management system

· How to establish and perfect the enterprise strategic management system

· entrepreneurial environment analysis method

· entrepreneurial opportunity choice process and method

· how to apply project management techniques and tools?

· The production and operation of innovation to expand the business value space

· entrepreneurial recognition and binding boundary

|Expert opinion               More+

· Evaluation method: using scientific opportunities to reduce business risk

· According to characteristics of entrepreneurship for the business plan

· Project planning is the successful completion of the security product development tasks

· Product development project implementation of the main links

· Entrepreneurship risk assessment methods


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