Consulting demand of entrepreneurial seed period solution


  Entrepreneurial opportunities or creativity of entrepreneurial seed period has been molded like a seed in the entrepreneurial mind, suitable technology or product is brewing, research and development, entrepreneurial team has developed a preliminary cooperation intention. But the business is still in the conception, product or service is still not fully developed, entrepreneurial model, entrepreneurial capital, entrepreneurial team has not formed, survival ability is very weak.

  In seed period, entrepreneurs need a solution to analysis entrepreneurial environment, select entrepreneurial opportunity, figure out business model, prepare business plan, format entrepreneurial team, acquire entrepreneurial resources, establish and registry enterprise and so on, in order to effectively tap and hold the longitudinal fleeting opportunity.


  Overall framework of entrepreneurial seed period solution


  Entrepreneurial seed period solutions of SLEEING include five modules – opportunity management, value management, element integration, precision innovation, risk management. Focus of the consultation is prepare sufficient entrepreneurial resources through appropriate business model, timely establish enterprise, and seize business opportunities.

  Recognition and choice of entrepreneurial opportunities is the starting point and the core of business. If you can't identify entrepreneurial opportunities not startup, inappropriate choice of entrepreneurial opportunities will become water without a source and a tree without roots. SLEEING through the unique opportunity innovation consulting, to help entrepreneurs insight into environmental changes, discovery and use the valuable market opportunities, determine the direction and scope of business.

  Enterprise value orientation is a unique entrepreneurial resources owned, it often determines the establishment and running of enterprise. Different values orientation prompted entrepreneurs take different actions, will eventually show different entrepreneurial effect. SLEEING through the unique value innovation consulting, to help entrepreneurs build entrepreneurial mode, develop business plans, determine the enterprise fundamental goal and internal driving ability.

  In order to implement the business plan, entrepreneurs need to raise resources, establish enterprise, develop and improve the basic innovation management system. Elements integration and precision innovation affects enterprise's technical level, overall scale, development speed and ability to achieve business planning. SLEEING through the full range of elements innovation consultingand enterprise set up consulting, assist the seed stage entrepreneurs transform business plan into action.

  In the guidance of business planning, entrepreneurs can quickly realize the innovation of business model, product technology and management system and so on, development and meet a range of customer needs. But the risk is hidden in every step of entrepreneurial seed period. SLEEING through scientific risk management consulting, focus on prevent the risk of opportunity choice, business planning, resource mobilization, enterprises set up, provide reasonable assurance to achieve business goals.

  The five module of entrepreneurial seed period solution is not separate, but mutual support, mutual promotion, indivisible. Opportunity management and business planning to guide the specific work of resources preparatory, enterprises set up and innovation management, resources preparatory, enterprise establishment and innovation management is to implement and realize the opportunity management and business planning; Resources preparatory is a prerequisite for enterprise establishment and innovation management, enterprise establishment and innovation management is the inevitable result of resource prerequisite; Find suitable opportunity in the development process, the new enterprise can by opening up a new branch or subsidiary to cope with the external changing of entrepreneurial environment and customer demand, ensure enterprises can evergreen. 


SLEEING's consulting program of entrepreneurial seed period solution




  Value of entrepreneurial seed period solution


  SLEEING's consulting program of entrepreneurial seed period solution can effectively help the entrepreneur seize business opportunities, integrating entrepreneurial resources, reduce business risk in the uncertain environment, and in accordance with legal procedures to set up a new legal entity, obtain production and operation qualification, build entrepreneurial platform, and build entrepreneurial ability.