Consulting demand of entrepreneurial budding period solution


  In entrepreneurial budding period solutions, enterprises have registered, entrepreneurial team has begun to take shape, very entrepreneurial, fewer competitors, all kinds of projects do many things at once, innovation management be a multitude of things. But the management model has not yet been established, product or service is still in the testing stage, the technology is not perfect, small batch, high manufacturing cost, selling price is on the high side, customer identification degree is low, sales volume is very limited, low profit or even losses, lack of capital, high survival risk.

  In budding period, entrepreneurial organization need a solution to strengthen the innovation management, and effective plan, assessment, control all kinds of project, in order to achieve target on time, according to quality, and according to the budget, improve the ability to resist risks of enterprises.


  Overall framework of entrepreneurial budding period solution


  Entrepreneurial budding period solutions of SLEEING include five modules – opportunity management, value management, element integration, precision innovation, risk management. Focus of the consultation is through scientific project management and innovation management, to combine production elements, enhance the value of entrepreneurship, use precision innovation continuously explore the neglected market value, development and meet the needs of a wider range of customer requirements, continued to achieve maximum entrepreneurial value.

  Project is often formed a production capacity or use value through a series of non repetitive work,generally includes project decision-making, project preparation, project implementation, project completion four stages;Innovation management is usually expressed as a series of repetitive work, and it is difficult to independently formed production capacity or use value, mainly related to eight major factors - organizational resources, technological innovation, production management, marketing, human resources, financial resources, information resources and risk management.

  In the face of the complex and uncertain process, entrepreneurial success needs not only has farsightedness business planning, more dependent on the detailed project management and innovation management. They involve a lot of work arrangements and the allocation of resources, the issues involved more and also more difficult relative to the seed period. When the project completion of mission objectives, the factors of innovation management to adapt to each other and matching, strategic target of budding period will success fully achieved, otherwise, it is not possible to succeed.

  SLEEING mainly through the unique consulting of opportunity innovation, value innovation, element innovation, project management and risk management, help enterprise in the budding period to improve the flexibility and integration of personnel and organization, comprehensive solution the contradiction between high entrepreneurial goals and time, resource, risk in the budding period, meet the increasing consumer demand of the product complexity, technical content and demand response speed.


SLEEING's consulting program of entrepreneurial budding period solution




  Value of entrepreneurial budding period solution


  SLEEING's consulting program of entrepreneurial budding period solutions through comprehensive improve the level of project management and innovation management in entrepreneurial organizations, can effectively assist the enterprise organization innovation product, cultivate customers, expand sales, improve visibility, enhance the survival ability, accelerate the start-up speed.