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  • Precision Innovation

  The maximum value is the fundamental goal of business, all the activities of entrepreneurship is value creation activities. Continue to create value is the fundamental business survival and development in the dynamic and complex environment. In twenty-first Century the market has entered the era of super competition, the competition between modern enterprises has not only for the competition of product or service, but is the competition of forming network of enterprise value which based on the core enterprise, from the customer, supplier, manufacturing, product sales to after sale service and social responsibility etc..

  Entrepreneurs only get rid of the constraint of competition, price, market and product, strengthening the value of sharing and comprehensive cooperation from the angle of cooperation, innovation, customers and industry, to reduce dependence on specific resources, timely grasp the business opportunities......


Value innovation consulting programme of SLEEING




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· How to realize the innovation of business model 

· Business plan writing and Application

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· Objective to determine the value of entrepreneurial pattern direction, way

· Formation of value is the core content of the entrepreneurial model

· How to establish and coordinate optimal value forming network?

· How to select the better business plan?

· How to compile the plan of entrepreneurial characteristics

· Business plan, implement and modify the statement


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· Outwardly strong but inwardly weak appear to be tough outwardly, be timid inwardly

· Oranges change with their environment, the climate does not suit one.

· Aim at Tianya, at the foot of the road

· A matter of life and death, startling step by step

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