Precision innovation consulting overview


  Precision innovation consulting of SLEEING taking build and improve the innovation ability as the center, taking business strategy as the guidance, taking the " whole, open, sharing, accurate " as the core value, covering the main links of formulation and implementation of business strategy, including three big modules - the opportunity innovation, value innovation, and elements innovation. Precision innovation consulting of SLEEING will assist entrepreneurs unified a large number of specific, scattered business innovation into business strategy, and keep highly consistent with business strategy. Through interactive cooperation continue to accurately discover neglected market value, and continued to achieve maximum business value through the restructuring and development of elements and meet a wider range of customers demand.


  Precision innovation consulting demand


  Since twentieth Century, the market structure transformation, upgrading of industrial structure, the government policy change and other factors make the external environment which the enterprises faced a more dynamic and uncertain. At the same time, because of the rapid development of science and technology, as well as the global culture impact and blend to deepen, enterprises are faced with the more internal initiative and uncertain factors. The environment and the information of enterprises is present the characteristics of "initiative" and "uncertainty". Innovation has increasingly become the key factor of entrepreneurs improve the market environment, reduce production cost, improve production efficiency, improve entrepreneurial ability. Entrepreneurs only launched timely in line with market needs and desires of the novel products or services, to seize business opportunities, expand the value space.

  But in the dynamic and complex environment, competition is no longer confined to a factor of the entrepreneurial space but in multiple dimensions. Sustainable competitive advantage is very difficult to maintain. Entrepreneurs need a complete set of methods to overcome the inertia of entrepreneurial organizations, timely introduce the novel products or service to meet the needs and desires of market, timely grasp the business opportunities, expand the business space.


  General idea of precision innovation consulting


  Precision innovation consulting of SLEEING taking business strategy as the guidance, through the construction and improvement of innovation ability, make the market demand, the pursuit of value, resources and capabilities to achieve precise docking, realize dialectical unity of necessity, actuality, practicality, so as to create a unique characteristics of the market and irreplaceable brand position.

  Precision innovation consulting of SLEEING includes three modules - opportunity innovation, value innovation and elements innovation. Through the organic operation of the three major modules, it meet customer needs in the function and cost in a certain extent, and allow the market to achieve a certain degree of balance. According to the imitation degree of other entrepreneurs and the adjustment of the customer demand, timely introduce next new product or service.


  Overall framework of precision innovation consulting


  Precision innovation consulting of SLEEING takeing the three - dimensional interactive model as the overall framework, covering the main links of formulation and implementation of business strategy, relates to the opportunity innovation, value innovation and elements innovation three big modules, and realizes the seamless integration between the modules, common casting precision innovation cooperate with business stakeholder.


  A. Opportunity innovation consulting


  The entrepreneurial opportunity refers to various scenarios entrepreneurs can use that create needs of new products, new services, new materials and new organization. It may exist in any condition of change, chaos or discontinuous. In the dynamic and complex environment, entrepreneurial success is driven by the possibility of future opportunities. Opportunity innovation consulting of SLEEING through objective and organized search the speed, direction object and relation of environmental change, to help entrepreneurs find and use the valuable market opportunities, determine the direction and scope of business, solve the problem of entrepreneurial purposes.


  B. Value innovation consulting


  Value is a general concept. It can be interpreted and measurement from different angles. From an economic point of view, the value of entrepreneurship mainly performance for the total price that the customer willing to pay for the products or services provided by enterprises. Value innovation consulting of SLEEING through construct the value group and set the internal value, to help entrepreneurs get rid of restriction of competition, price, market, product, to effective establish and coordinate an optimal value forming network, determine the fundamental objectives and internal driving ability for entrepreneurship, solve the problem of entrepreneurial object.


  C. Elements innovation consulting


  The factors of production is entrepreneurial organization possessed resources in order to provide products and services and the ability to use these resources, which determines the output of entrepreneurial organization, market position and the degree of value realization. Elements innovation consulting of SLEEING will penetrate innovation into the entrepreneurial activities, to help entrepreneurs optimize the allocation of resources, and enhance innovation capability, increase the enterprise long-term value, solves the problem of entrepreneurial characteristics.


  Through the implementation of precision innovation, entrepreneurial organization can to some extent to meet the needs of customers, to allow the market to achieve a balance. But the excellent performance of precision innovation will attract other entrepreneurs to imitate, customer demand will occurrence change to a certain extent with the passage of time, the market equilibrium is broken, new opportunities for a precision innovation to establish a new balance.


The three - dimensional interactive model —— Overall framework of precision innovation





  Value of element integration consulting


  Precision innovation consulting of SLEEING provide a complete and effective innovation ability promotion system for entrepreneurs. It unified opportunity innovation, value innovation and elements innovation into the platform of entrepreneurial strategy, achieved effective accurate interactive of three dimensions, contribute to the entrepreneurial organization actively cope with and adapt to the contemporary entrepreneurial environment of strong "initiative" and "uncertainty", seize entrepreneurial opportunities, achieve the long-term development objectives of entrepreneurship.