Opportunity innovation consulting demand


  Entrepreneurial opportunities are equal for all entrepreneurs, it can give entrepreneurs bring excess profits only be developed by entrepreneurial creativity, scientific assessment and utilization value. But the entrepreneurial opportunity is concealed, contingency, perishable, times and other characteristics, lead to most people find it difficult to grasp and lost opportunity.

  Identification, evaluation and selection of entrepreneurs need a scientific and effective method for entrepreneurial opportunities based on the analysis of business environment, in order to creatively adapt even changing business environment, reduce business risk, promote the sustainable development of enterprise.


  Overall framework of opportunity innovation consulting


  Opportunity innovation consulting of SLEEING includes two modules – environmental analysis and opportunity choice. Focus of the consultation is through purposeful and organized looking for the object, speed, direction and relations of environmental change, To assist entrepreneurs find valuable market opportunities, and effectively use it through the enterprise.


  A. Entrepreneurial environment consultation


  Entrepreneurial environment is the sum of all the external factors can influence entrepreneurial, mainly include the macro environment and industry environment two aspects. Influence of macro environment may be indirect, but the impact is large and difficult to control. The industry environment is directly decided what industry entrepreneurs choose to enter and the basic situation of enterprise market space, the degree of competition, profitability, even in relation to the vital importance of enterprise.

  With the in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial activities, entrepreneurial environment consultation of SLEEING take the macro environment analysis and industry environment analysis as a means, focus on helping entrepreneurs collection, monitoring, prediction and assessment of the most important influence factors based on entrepreneurial characteristics and business need, expect the changes and the trend of macro environment, identify business opportunities and threat. And on this basis, by analyzing the factors of the industry life cycle of entrepreneurial activities, competition structure, the average level of performance and profit potential, assist entrepreneurs to understand the industry attractive size and composition, so that rational choice whether to enter, the field and timing, effectively avoid and transfer of industry risk.


  B. Opportunity choice consultation


  Entrepreneurial opportunity at any time, may exist in any change, chaos or discontinuous condition. Such as economic development, restructuring of industry structure and market structure, population change, idea change, technological change, new knowledge dissemination, policy adjustment, market leader myopic etc.. But these opportunities are only be developed by Entrepreneurial creativity, and scientific assessment and utilization value, in order to give entrepreneurs bring excess profits. Otherwise, the seemingly excellent entrepreneurial opportunities perhaps is a tender trap.

  With the in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial activities, opportunity choice consultation of SLEEING take the opportunity recognition, opportunity evaluation and opportunity choice as a means, focus on helping entrepreneurs choose the opportunity of higher value and have the ability to grasp according to the resources available , personal perception and the degree of optimism, maximizing utility of resources.


  Opportunity innovation consulting programme of SLEEING




  Value of opportunity innovation consulting


  Opportunity innovation consulting of SLEEING can help entrepreneurs timely recognition, evaluation, choice of entrepreneurial opportunity in the dynamic and complex environment, innovate the orientation and scope of entrepreneurial, increase the likelihood of success.