Elements innovation consulting demand


  Elements Innovation involves a lot of work schedule and resource allocation, and generally exists in the entire network of formatting the entrepreneurial value. Although the process of elements innovation in different enterprises differ in thousands of ways, but mainly involves two aspects - allocating resources and enhancing ability, mainly includes eight task of organization resources, human resources, financial resources, information resources, technical research and development, production, marketing and risk management. Regardless how special the entrepreneurial planning is, these eight tasks will appear repeatedly in the process of entrepreneurial planning implementation. According to the differences or change of various factors in the process of business planning implementation, one or more tasks often than other tasks more important or spending more time. When the eight factors is mutual adaptation and matching, entrepreneurial planning objectives will be successfully achieved, otherwise, it is not possible to succeed.Entrepreneurs need a scientific and effective method to make the elements innovation mechanism has actually become a part of entrepreneurship and effective operation, in order to reduce the entrepreneurial costs, prevent venture, improve entrepreneurial value, and meet market demand.


  Overall framework of elements innovation consulting


  Elements innovation consulting of SLEEING includes two modules - allocating resources and enhancing ability. Focus of the consultation is to start entrepreneurial value as the driving force, the elements innovation is no longer a matter or the environment, but a series of actions that permeate entrepreneurial activities. Through close collaboration with entrepreneurial organization members and departments at all levels, improve entrepreneurial planning execution capability and entrepreneurial expected value.


  A. Innovation consulting of allocating resources


  Entrepreneurial resources refers to the sum of effective factors owned or controlled in the process of formatting media of entrepreneurial value. Generally speaking, entrepreneurial resources can be divided into tangible resources, intangible resources and human resources three types. Tangible resources is visible resources, that can use the money to directly measure, generally reflected in the company's assets, including material resources and financial resources. Intangible resources is a long-term accumulation of enterprise resources, that no physical substance, cannot even accurate measurement of monetary, usually including brand, goodwill, patents, trademarks, technology, information, corporate culture and organizational experience. Human resource is the key to the sustainable development of enterprises. It is a special resource between tangible and intangible resources. The entrepreneurial organization obtaining resources are mostly fragmented, not systematic before optimization, some resources can be used directly in the process of production, and some of the more complex resources need to be optimized configuration to use. Entrepreneurs need to identify the type, expertise, and characteristics of resources, relationships with other resources. The resources need effectively and reasonably configuration to the place can full play to its efficiency in the use, so as to form the innovation ability to realize the media of value. Otherwise, even with a large amount of resources, entrepreneurial organizations will be eliminated which tired by low efficiency and low efficiency of the resource allocation method.

  With the in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial activities, innovation consulting of allocating resources take organize resources innovation, human resources innovation, financial resources innovation, information resources innovation as a means, focus on helping entrepreneurial organization establish organization adapt to entrepreneurial planning, and allocate resources of talent, capital, information which is best match with entrepreneurial planning, realize high efficiency and high benefit in resource allocation.


  1, Organization resources innovation consulting


  Many of the entrepreneurial organization has obvious family characteristics, the phenomenon of only one big share, complex ownership structure, be a law onto oneself, appoint people by favouritism exists generally. This organization mode is not conducive to cooperation between investors, introduction of outstanding management personnel, and improve the scientific management decision-making, reduce the credit level of enterprise, increased business risk, led to banks and investors reluctant to their loans and investments. Entrepreneurs want to ensure the healthy and rapid development of enterprises, only to strengthen organization construction. Organization is the responsibility and power system so as to division of labor and cooperation between people according to certain rules and procedures, in order to achieve the common goal. In order to adapt to the change of organizational environment, technology characteristics and organizational tasks, after the establishment of enterprises, entrepreneurs should have objective and systematic establishment, adjustment and reform entrepreneurial organization, such as organization structure, organization scale, channels of communication, role orientation, relations with other organizations.

  Organization innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of governance mode, organization structure, management mode, set up posts, internal control system as a means, to assist entrepreneurs effective balance lateral communication and longitudinal control, in order to improve entrepreneurial organization efficiency, realize the business plan objectives.


  2, Human resources innovation consulting


  Human resource is the sum of the quantity and quality of labor force during a certain period of time in the organization. It is a kind of resources present in the human body, such as physical fitness, knowledge, skill, ability, the characteristics of personality and behavior etc.. As a kind of active, the only resources possessing the function of innovation, human resources uses, manipulation and control of other resources, and make other resources to obtain the reasonable configuration, effectively develop and make full use. Enterprise's competition in the final analysis is the competition of talents, key success factor of any planning is to ensure proper human resources available at the right time, right place.

  Human resources innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of manpower planning, job analysis, staff recruitment, training and development, compensation management, distribution adjustment, performance management and labor relations as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization acquisition, development, conservation and use the most suitable talent for key positions, and make reward, incentive measures and implementation of the enterprise planning well together.


  3, Financial resources innovation consulting


  Financial resources are the capital owned by enterprises, and the special financial asset unique and not easily imitated which formed in the process of collect and use the capital. Although financial resources are not sufficient to direct format entrepreneurial advantage, but the scarcity of financial resources ask enterprise to rational arrangement and allocation of financial resources. Efficient allocation of financial resources cannot make the disaster of management to the success of the enterprise, failure allocation of financial resources is to make entrepreneurial plan have gained nothing, even make excellent enterprise be destroyed on one day.

  Financial resources innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of financial analysis, financial planning, comprehensive budget, fund raising, investment, working capital, profit distribution as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization combined enterprise funds according to the different mode of formation and allocation between the different economic use. So as to optimize the structure of financing and investment, improve the output rate of scarce resource -- the rate of return on capital, thereby creating more scarce resources, to promote the sustained and stable development of enterprises.


  4, Information resources innovation consulting


  Information resource is the floorboard of all the documents, data, charts and data and other information produced, obtained, processed, stored, transferred and used in the entrepreneurial process. With the rapid development of information technology, information resources throughout the whole process of entrepreneurship, and constitute the five major strategic resources of entrepreneurship together with the resources of organization, human, financial, material. Who occupy the information, who will be able to timely and effectively to develop business planning, priority to occupy the market, thereby enhancing entrepreneurial ability, promote entrepreneurship value.

  Information resources innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of information resources analysis, information resources planning, collecting and processing, screening and organization, storage and retrieval, transfer and feedback as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization rational allocation and layout of the active part of the information resources, such as information, information equipment and facilities etc.. In order to get information from huge disordered to ordered classification, from the noise upgrade to the knowledge and wisdom, obtain the benefit of allocation as much as possible and the cost to be as small as possible, to maximize the value of information.


  B. Innovation consulting of enhancing ability


  Innovation ability refers to the ability of entrepreneurial organizations in order to meet the the long-term market demand and common interests of the whole value network, through the optimal allocation of resources to complete the entrepreneurial plan objectives. Innovation ability exists different aspects of entrepreneurial activities, such as technology research and development, production, marketing and risk management etc.. Today the market demand vary from minute to minute, innovation is becoming the most important determinants of entrepreneurial ability and market position. The key of seize the opportunity and implementation of entrepreneurial value lies in whether have the necessary innovation ability.

  With the in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial activities, innovation consulting of enhancing ability take  technology R & D innovation, production and operation innovation, marketing innovation and risk management innovation as a means, focus on helping entrepreneurial organization entrepreneurship organizations optimize the allocation of resources based on diversity analysis of management factors and consumer market segmentation, formed the differences of innovation ability to meet specific market needs, promote the realization and improvement of enterprise value.


  1, Technology R & D innovation consulting


  Technology research and development capabilities is a kind of innovation ability that redeploying resources through continuous R & D activities under certain conditions, and to be success in the market. It includes the ideas, design, research, development, production, market development, market identity and applied to commercial of new product and new process. In the face of the globalization of the market, increasing competition, rapid changes in customer demand, product life cycle shortening, enhance R & D capability has become the core management problem of all organizations. Only through the rapid promotion of technical research and development capabilities, enterprises can effectively respond to external pressure, and improve enterprise's market position, continue to grow in sales and profit, meet the needs of stakeholders, realize the value goal of entrepreneurs. But the technology research and development has characteristic of long period, large investment, involving a wide range, strong uncertainty, rate of return higher, make technology R & D become one of the most challenges and the highest complexity of innovative task among elements innovation. Technology R & D effective method can realize sustainable development of enterprise. On the contrary, it will cause the entrepreneurial doomed eternally.

  Technology R & D innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of product selection, project planning, project implementation, project consultation as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization continue to carry out R & D activities, realize the combination of entrepreneurial resources and to be successful in the market.


  2, Production and operation innovation consulting


  Production and operation is an enterprise invest some resources, through a series or various forms of conversion, so as to increase the added value and generates a new utility, and finally output in some form and provide to the society. As one of the main functions of the business, Production and operation tend to occupy the entrepreneurial organization most resources of the financial, human and equipment, is the key to creating value for the enterprise. The competition between the enterprises must ultimately be reflected in the the products and service provided by enterprise, and the enterprise product and service competitiveness depends largely on the production and operation ability. Such as cost control, quality control, and thoughtful service ability. As the market increasingly diverse needs of customers, the increasingly high demand, production and operation ability is one of the key elements of entrepreneurial planning implementation.

  Production and operation innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of system planning, system design, system operation, evaluation and improvement as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization optimization of production resources, the rational allocation of production tasks, to ensure smooth operation of production system, in order to better meet the needs of society, maximize the value-added and realize entrepreneurial planning objectives.


  3, Marketing innovation consulting


  Marketing is a series of processes that enterprises in order to itself and stakeholders to create, transfer, communication of customer value, meet customer needs and desires, manage customer relationship. The sale of goods is the final links of improving the production efficiency. The production of the product only through the sale of goods transferred to the hands of consumers, in order to meet the needs of the market and commodity desires. At the same time, the production transferred into currency, the enterprise can get the conditions for survival and development. With the coming of post - industrial era, the product requirements of consumers are more diversified. This provides more business opportunities for entrepreneurs, also requires enterprises to better understand the target market's needs and desires, more efficient transfer the desired goods or services of the target market, to better meet the needs and desires of the target market. But because of the limitations of management concept and resource conditions, it is difficult entrepreneurial organization provide comprehensive support for the consumer, so that consumers often concerns in the purchase of enterprise products.

  Marketing innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of marketing planning, marketing, marketing improvement as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization set up the modern management idea, seek the best target market, innovative product development and management, speed up the processes of product realization, to ensure the smooth implementation of the entrepreneurial plan.


  4, Risk management innovation consulting


  The entrepreneurial risk refers to a kind of uncertainty that is an event may bring negative influence to the realization of the goal of entrepreneurial planning. Entrepreneurial planning usually covers 3 - 10 years of development, the necessary conditions to develop and implement entrepreneurial planning many and very uncertain, but entrepreneurial resources and capabilities exist scarce. It is difficult to ensure that all the conditions necessary for the formulation and implementation of the entrepreneurial plan can be satisfied with, which makes the entrepreneurial risk exists objectively to the will of the people. The characteristics of "uncertainty" make the process of develop and implement business plan is often accompanied with fuzziness, discontinuity and high risk, entrepreneurial planning objectives are often difficult to achieve, even make the crowning calamity suffered in the process of implementation of the entrepreneurial planning. But the risk factors come from the necessary conditions of formulation and implementation of entrepreneurial planning, as long as the entrepreneurs to take effective measures to prevent, entrepreneurial risk can be managed.

  Risk management innovation consulting of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of event identification, risk assessment, risk response, risk monitoring as a means, to assist entrepreneurial organization identify potential events likely to affect the formulation and implementation of entrepreneurial planning, and management the risk in its risk preference within, and strive to grasp the business boundary problem, to achieve the optimal balance between entrepreneurial objectives and related risks.

Elements innovation consulting programme of SLEEING




  Value of elements innovation consulting


  Elements innovation consulting of SLEEING through optimizing the allocation of resources, and enhance innovation capability, is helpful to improve entrepreneurial organization innovation method, improve the adaptability and self-adjustment ability, promote the formulation and implementation of the enterprise planning, increase the enterprise long-term value.