Value innovation consulting demand


  The maximum value is the fundamental goal of business, all the activities of entrepreneurship is value creation activities. Continue to create value is the fundamental business survival and development in the dynamic and complex environment. In twenty-first Century the market has entered the era of super competition, the competition between modern enterprises has not only for the competition of product or service, but is the competition of forming network of enterprise value which based on the core enterprise, from the customer, supplier, manufacturing, product sales to after sale service and social responsibility etc..Entrepreneurs only get rid of the constraint of competition, price, market and product, strengthening the value of sharing and comprehensive cooperation from the angle of cooperation, innovation, customers and industry, to reduce dependence on specific resources, timely grasp the business opportunities.


  Overall framework of value innovation consulting


  Value innovation consulting of SLEEING includes two modules - entrepreneurial model and entrepreneurial plan. Focus of the consultation is build value group and set the internal value through formulation, selection and application of the entrepreneurial planning, assist entrepreneurs innovation the way of value realization and value sharing.


  A. Entrepreneurial model consultation


  Entrepreneurial model is refers to the basic logic system the entrepreneurs to seize business opportunities and gets the value, namely the overall solution of realize the value through the integration of resources to form the core business ability in order to maximize the customer value. Innovation of entrepreneurial model belongs to the innovation the most origin, it runs through the entire process of entrepreneurship. Today, the market is the myriads of changes, competition is increasingly fierce. Entrepreneurs want to stand out and grow strong, must design their own, competitive, out of the ordinary entrepreneurial model.

  With the in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial activities, entrepreneurial model consultation of SLEEING take value goals, value formation and value sharing as a means, focus on assist entrepreneurs consider many problems in entrepreneurship and formed the unique value network, let entrepreneurship realize model assault and supernormal development.


  B. Entrepreneurial plan consultation


  Entrepreneurial plan is the entrepreneurial system analysis and description of the specific planning of entrepreneurial activity. It is usually in written form. The entrepreneurial plan is the soul of the entire business process, represents a strong desire and fully prepared for success and responsible attitude for the stakeholders, can increase the chances of success. After selected entrepreneurial objectives and determine the entrepreneurial motivation, and the capital, contacts, market conditions are ready or have accumulated a considerable strength, entrepreneurs will have to write a complete entrepreneurial plan.

  With the in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial activities, entrepreneurial plan consultation of SLEEING take planning organization, planning objectives, planning screening, planning writing and planning application as a means, focus on assist entrepreneurs combing the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, firm the entrepreneurial objectives, develop entrepreneurial plans. In order to standardize the entrepreneurial activity, increase the chances of success for venture capital, bidding, apply for loans, commercial cooperation and project approval.


  Value innovation consulting programme of SLEEING




  Value of value innovation consulting


  value innovation consulting of SLEEING through constructing the value group and setting the internal value, help entrepreneurs innovation fundamental objectives and internal driving ability, reduce dependence on specific resources, continued to create and pass business value.