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  The project management is widely used in project enterprise had a very long history, such as construction, infrastructure construction and national defense. In modern society, enterprises are facing great pressure of market competition, shortened product life cycle, improve the complexity of products and technical content, speed up the process of integration of global market, commercial opportunity transient. The conventional operation mechanism of enterprises are often incompetent in modern enterprises as the goal, task size and complexity, project management has entered many non project enterprise. Such as, pharmaceutical, chemical, finance, information, hospital, school, cultural, legal, accounting, integrated enterprises and government departments etc.. The specific project management object has been developed to a variety of investment, technology, product development, capital operation, enterprise transformation, market development, infrastructure construction, management system design, materials circulation and raising funds etc.. Due to the project management research and practice system started late, the enterprises of our country have the concept of weak, lack of talents, imperfect management system, operation procedures are not standardized. It is difficult to put the technology advantage of project management to play out, can not adapt to the needs of the implementation of project management in our enterprises.

  The entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method for project planning, evaluation, control, in order to achieve or exceed the target according to the quality, on time, on budget......


Project construction consulting programme of SLEEING 




|Business  training          More+

· How to apply project management techniques and tools?

· Entrepreneurship training courses

· Opportunity management training courses

· Value management training courses

· How to establish the enterprise strategic management system

· Analysis method of business environment

· The basic process and main methods of opportunity choice  

· Using project management tools to improve integration of staff 

· Expand the business value space through innovation of production and operation

· Recognition and binding of the enterprise boundary 

|Expert opinion               More+

· The process and key feasibility study

· Main types of project investment decision and method thereof

· The mode choice and the tender notice

· The project contract process, systematic, dynamic management

· And the main work of project schedule management and its method

· And the main process of project cost management and method thereof

· Main aspects of project quality management and its key content


|Business case                     More+  

· The letter core project, forestalls opponent by a show of strength

· Extremely arrogant, short-sighted

Cram, its loopholes appeared one after another.

· Drop one's guard, destruct the Great Wall

· Dawn Eve, surging undercurrent