Enterprise set-up consulting demand


  This is a pioneering era. Thousands on thousands of people joined the tide of entrepreneurship every day. Own and operate their own business is the most stimulation, the most challenging work in today's economy. Through the creation of enterprises, many entrepreneurs gain wealth and achievement feeling, and create extraordinary value for society. But the establishment of enterprise is not licensed the moment, and not some independent events such as registered, but an innovative economic activity developing from nothing, from simple to complex. The high degree of uncertainty requires entrepreneurs through the systemic method objectively examine their opportunities and risks, and make the right choice. Otherwise, he is bound to be the market .

  After has the entrepreneurial awareness and preliminary planning, Entrepreneur needs a set of scientific and effective method to prepare technical, assembling team and raise fund through a certain form of organization, enhance the entrepreneurial organization technology level, the overall scale and the ability to achieve business planning.


  Overall framework of enterprise set-up consulting


  Enterprise set-up consulting of SLEEING includes three modules - decision of enterprise set-up, implement of enterprise set-up and registration of enterprise set-up. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, assisting entrepreneurs to set up a new legal entity qualification in accordance with legal procedures in the uncertain environment, and obtaining production and operation qualification, initially formed the ability to grasp business opportunities.


  A. Decision-making consultation of enterprise set-up


  Entrepreneurs want to engage in business activities, shall set up a new legal entity enterprises in accordance with the law to obtain production and operation qualification, in order to improve the stability and sustainability of entrepreneurship. But the establishment of enterprises has very strong legal requirements, and highly related with entrepreneurial factors or opportunity. Different organization forms reflect different levels of productivity development level and the characteristics of the industry, has great difference in the conditions of establishment, investment, debt management, termination, etc.. If the entrepreneur uses illegal or unsuitable organization form, may lead to cannot set or hinder the development.

  Decision-making consultation of enterprise set-up taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of value goal and organization form as a means, to assist entrepreneurs consider in the industry, future development scale, the legal structure, transfer of investor rights and responsibilities, enterprise management, income distribution, capital need, number of employees, state and local tax regulations, duration and other factors, and select the appropriate form of enterprise organization, in order to effectively integrate various factors of production, grasp the hidden opportunities in the uncertainties environment.


  B. Implement consultation of enterprise set-up


  1, Entrepreneurial technology integration consulting


  With the advent of knowledge economy, the status of technology in enterprise management in a more and more important, the correct and appropriate technology strategy has become the key to win the competitive advantage. A successful technology strategy may make the entrepreneurs to seize business opportunities, and maintain long-term competitive advantage; conversely, if the strategy fails, it may weaken the technical basis for enterprise, and even lead to loss of technical advantage away, just lose an entrepreneurial opportunity close at hand.

  Business technology integration consulting taking planning as the basis,taking consultation of technology audit, technology planning and technology acquisition as a means, to assist entrepreneurs are demonstrated in detail, careful decision-making technology integration scheme, in order to ensure the correctness, validity and rationality of technology strategy.


  2, Entrepreneurial team integration consulting


  Talent is the source and carrier of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial knowledge and system construction of entrepreneurial team management, determines the enterprise future development direction. Enterprises want to occupy a space for one person in the fierce market competition, we must build a high-quality team. Due to the small size, limited funds, organization is not standard, personnel configuration is simple, the lack of brand image, subjective understanding insufficiency and other reasons, universal entrepreneurial enterprises existing problems, such as entrepreneurial team building and management specification is low, attraction to high quality team members is weak, team division of responsibilities is not reasonable, incentive and training measures are not in place, if not timely adjustment, it will result in low staff morale, the core talents job-hopping, staff turnover rate increased, and even accelerate the collapse of immature enterprises.

  Entrepreneurial team integration consulting taking planning as the basis,taking consultation of team leadership, team building and team culture as a means, to assist entrepreneurs according to their own characteristics and development goals, establish and perfect the management system of entrepreneurial team, and take feasible measures, retaining only available, and realize the great-leap-forward development.


  3, Entrepreneurial capital integration consulting


  Financing is the entrepreneurial capital movement beginning, also is the foundation of enterprise income distribution. Enough capital scale can guarantee the need of entrepreneurial investment; financing structure reasonable can reduce and avoid financial risks; properly match the financing methods can reduce the cost of capital. Therefore, entrepreneurial financing itself is only a link of entrepreneurial capital movement, but the financing activities always decides and influences the whole movement of entrepreneurial capital. In general, enterprise funds deposited and personal capital of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial partner has the characteristics of original, autonomy, low cost and risk resistance, but the scale is very limited. Entrepreneurs also need through certain channels, methods, and economic interest to raise funds from external funds holders, in order to meet the needs of the operation and development of enterprises. Due to the lack of credit, management confusion, mortgage (guarantee) assets are insufficient, asymmetric information, highly business risk and other reasons, most entrepreneurs have financing difficulties, financial gap is relatively large, difficult to play the advantages of flexibility. Facing China's financial market development is not mature, the financial system structure of a single, narrow financing channels, the investment direction of financial institution capital single, regional development is not balanced and other external constraints, if entrepreneurs cannot profound understanding Various kinds of financing ways in China and its choice points, it is difficult to achieve financial goals.

  Entrepreneurial capital integration consulting taking planning as the basis,taking consultation of financing preparation, financing scale prediction, financing mode selection, endogenous financing strategy, equity financing strategy, debt financing strategy and dynamic financing combination as a means, to assist entrepreneurs choose suitable financing arrangement and the financing structure according to the characteristics of entrepreneurial capital needs and business plan, so as to achieve the financial goals - financing cost is the lowest, market constraint is minimum, market value is maximum.


  C. Registration consultation of enterprise set-up


  Enterprises and individuals to engage in business activities must be submitted to the registration authority for registration and obtain a business license in accordance with the law, otherwise will be punished by law. In the condition of achievement, Entrepreneurs establish enterprise platform is conducive to integrating entrepreneurial resources and realize the value of entrepreneurship. Not timely set up enterprises or enterprises to set up inappropriate will give the further development of enterprises bring profound influence.

  Entrepreneurial registration consulting taking planning as the basis,taking consultation of formulation of the articles of association, establishment of the enterprise as a means, assisting entrepreneurs to design appropriate enterprise behavior mode, obtain the production and operation of enterprises according to law, so that enterprises can get more output with less input, achieve the actual effect optimization. 

Enterprises set-up consulting programme of SLEEING 



  Value of enterprise set-up consulting


  Enterprise set-up consulting of SLEEING effective integration of technology, capital, team and other resources through the establishment of enterprises, help to speed up the establishment and the development speed of the enterprise, in order to actively respond to the rapidly changing environment and customer requirements.