Project construction consulting demand


  The project management is widely used in project enterprise had a very long history, such as construction, infrastructure construction and national defense. In modern society, enterprises are facing great pressure of market competition, shortened product life cycle, improve the complexity of products and technical content, speed up the process of integration of global market, commercial opportunity transient. The conventional operation mechanism of enterprises are often incompetent in modern enterprises as the goal, task size and complexity, project management has entered many non project enterprise. Such as, pharmaceutical, chemical, finance, information, hospital, school, cultural, legal, accounting, integrated enterprises and government departments etc.. The specific project management object has been developed to a variety of investment, technology, product development, capital operation, enterprise transformation, market development, infrastructure construction, management system design, materials circulation and raising funds etc.. Due to the project management research and practice system started late, the enterprises of our country have the concept of weak, lack of talents, imperfect management system, operation procedures are not standardized. It is difficult to put the technology advantage of project management to play out, can not adapt to the needs of the implementation of project management in our enterprises. The entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method for project planning, evaluation, control, in order to achieve or exceed the target according to the quality, on time, on budget.


  Overall framework of project construction consulting


  Project construction consulting of SLEEING includes four modules – project decision-making, project preparation, project implementation and project closeout. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, to assist the entrepreneurial organization using project management techniques or tools to coordinate work of different departments and different professional personnel, improve the flexibility and integration of personnel and organization, and complete the action plan according to the predetermined time, cost and schedule requirements.


  A. The project decision-making consultation


  The social and economic activities have become increasingly complex, the project investment scale very large, Content is more and more complex, technical means is change rapidly, the investment environment is complex and changeable, the market competition is brutal, investment opportunities are transient, complexity and importance of the project decision grow with each passing day, its quality directly affect the project's long-term economic benefits and strategic direction.

  The project decision-making consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of opportunities research, project preliminary feasibility study, feasibility study, project evaluation and project decision as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization of scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, multi-objective comprehensive decision and risk responsibility decision. Project strategy will gradually clear, explicit, rationalization and legalization, so as to avoid blind decision, perceptual decision-making, as far as possible to reduce the project risk and improve the project benefit.


  B. Project preparation consultation


  After the feasibility study report of the project or the project application report is approval, project organization needs further specific project decision through the project planning, project design, project contracting and other procedures. Project preparation proportion of project costs is small, but to a large extent determines the success or failure of project implementation and efficiency to achieve the desired objectives. Due to the requirements of the stage with high technology and laws, inadequate project preparation will lead to the low efficiency of project, or even directly determines the success or failure of the project.

  The project preparation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of project planning, project design, project contracting as a means, to assist the business organization determined to achieve the project's future action plan within budget, clear the project technical and economic conditions, and choose contract mode and sign a contract according to the actual situation, so as to create the conditions for project control.


  C. Project implementation consultation


  After the condition of project initiation is mature, project organization needs to achieve the project objectives within the prescribed scope, time, cost, quality, according to the design requirements and the contract. This stage cost most resources of the project, the management difficulty is most complex. Successful project implementation requires the integrated use of a variety of management methods, in order to avoid the risk of the project and achieve the desired objectives.

  The project implementation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of contract management, schedule management, cost management, quality management as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization for the entire process, systematic, dynamic management on implementation of the project, guarantee the project smoothly.


  D. Project closeout consultation


  Project closeout is a sign of project into production or use, is also an important part of a comprehensive assessment of investment benefit, test design and project quality. The entrepreneurial organization need to implement the project delivery and maintenance through the project closure procedures. At this stage, project stakeholders have great conflict, may lead to increased costs, schedule delays and other losses, even cause the failure of the project.

  The project closeout consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of contract closeout and administrative closure as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization settle the contract matters, confirm the actual benefit, sum up experience lesson, end the project process.


  Project construction consulting programme of SLEEING 




  Value of project construction consulting


  Project construction consulting of  SLEEING  through the flexible use of project management techniques and tools in the many activities of entrepreneurship, help to improve the integration and flexibility of organization and personnel, so as to complete the action plan according to the predetermined time, cost and schedule and achieve effective integration of production factors.