Enterprise  alliance consulting demand


  Since the nineteen eighties, along with the rapid development of technology,the market vary from minute to minute, and international competition intensifies, flexibility and elasticity of enterprise organization continue to improve. Enterprises began to reshape the internal organization, and strengthen the establishment of cooperative alliance relationships with external, in order to achieve the risk sharing, complementary resources, make up or enhance the entrepreneurial ability of alliance enterprise. As the elements of integration strategy of less investment, quick response, low risk, enterprise alliance was sweeping the business circles of developed countries, and gradually formed a domestic and international enterprise alliance network with large Multi-National Corporation as the main body.

  Nineteen ninties metaphase, after fierce competition on the market, China's enterprise alliance gradually rise, the number of coalition rapidly grow. But our country is still in the primary stage of enterprise alliance, many entrepreneurs lack of long-term strategic goals and cooperation consciousness, products alliance bonded with equity is more, weak interaction in the study. The entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method to optimize the alliance form, expanding the range of the alliance, make full use of the factors of production at home and abroad, and actively explore the domestic and foreign market.


  Overall framework of enterprise alliance consulting


  Project construction consulting of SLEEING includes three modules – alliance decision, alliance implementation, alliance evaluation. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, to assist the entrepreneurial organization achieve economies of scale, complementary resources, market development and technology innovation by alliance with other enterprises from the point of view of their own strategic objectives.


  A. Alliance decision-making consultation


  Alliance decision is crucial to success of alliance. Correct alliance decision-making can achieve "win-win" through the complement between the member enterprises. But Failure of the alliance decision is easy lead to alliance members disunity, even trapped in a "lose-lose" because of the cultural conflict, benefit predicament or other problem.

  The alliance decision-making consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of growth mode selection, organization form selection, partner selection as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization cautious the necessity, feasibility, target, partners and members positioning of alliance, promote the complementary and "win-win" between member enterprises.


  B. Alliance implementation consultation


  The traditional enterprise established in no relevance and independent property, management is not subject to the other enterprises, and take the independent property as guarantee of behavioral consequences to mean organ or executing organ. Enterprise alliance as a middle organization between market and enterprise, is beneficial to saving the market transaction cost and organization cost, give alliance members higher income than the pure market form or pure form of enterprise. But the relationship both competition and cooperation between alliance members, so that there are some unstable factors such as the distribution of interests contradiction, opportunism tendency, differences in organizational culture, information asymmetry etc.. Related party transactions, insider trading and unconventional transactions and other issues caused by non-market factors of alliance will damage the legitimate interests of creditors affiliated enterprises, small shareholders and transaction relative person. A lot of practice has proved that alliance failure is often poor integration of elements in the process of alliance strategy implementation.

  The alliance implementation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of alliance negotiations, common enterprise alliance management, commercial franchising management and industrial technology innovation alliance management as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization consider all possible situation arisen in the process of alliance operation, effectively solve the conflict between the members of alliance, rational allocate resources of alliance, and achieve the alliance stability and target.


  C. Alliance evaluation consultation


  Along with the changes in the operating environment, the alliance performance should be regularly evaluated, in order to adjust the strategy and management, make the alliance towards the established direction. After a comprehensive assessment of the alliance, the alliance enterprise should reconsider the entrepreneurial strategy on the basis of the alliance, reorganize enterprise value chain, enhance the entrepreneurial capacity. With the passage of time, the external environment and the advantages and disadvantages between enterprises will change, alliance should also be modified or terminated.

  Alliance evaluation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of alliance evaluation, alliance improvement, alliance termination and group formation as a means, to assist alliance organization establish and improve alliance performance evaluation system, and timely establishment of enterprise group or terminate the alliance according to the results of regular monitoring and evaluation, to absorb the strategic resources, stable alliance relationship, reduce alliance exit cost, make sure not to damage the ability to realignment.


Enterprises alliance consulting programme of SLEEING




  Value of enterprise  alliance  consulting


  Enterprise alliance consulting of SLEEING through equity participation or contract way to establish the alliance of complementary resources, risk sharing, benefit sharing, help enterprises to improve the market position, make full use of resources, access to economies of scale, reduce development risk, avoid legal barriers, overcome trade barriers, so as to realize the goal of planning.