Enterprises reorganization consulting demand

  With the progress of science and technology and global economic integration is speeding up, the traditional industrial structure has a strong impact, the enterprise survival environment change tends to accelerate. Enterprises to maintain competitive advantage in this changing environment, they must reconfiguration production elements constantly and timely. Enterprise reorganization is a means of element combination again. Enterprises can obtain the strategic opportunity, optimize the allocation of resources, resolve the crisis, increase the value of entrepreneurship through reorganization of enterprise. Since the 90's of this century, enterprise reorganization continuously in the world, our country also has staged scenes of “reorganization war”. But the reorganization applicable conditions harsh, involves a very wide, integration is difficult, a variety forms of conflicts of interest and potential risk will produce. If regardless of legal requirements and internal relation between business and factors, one-sided pursuit of scale and short-term interests, easy to induce chaos in business management, desalination of main business, loss of the core business ability, some even become the tools of embezzling state-owned assets and occupying the interests of investors, finally put some enterprises into the gutter. The entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method to optimize the allocation of production factors, construct a new mode of production management, enable enterprises to maintain competitive advantage in the change, and usher in a new development opportunity.


  Overall framework of enterprises reorganization consulting


  Enterprises reorganization consulting of SLEEING includes three modules – reorganization decision, reorganization implementation, reorganization integration. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, assist the entrepreneurial organization to optimize the allocation of resources, mining and recycling value, enhance the entrepreneurial ability, and adapt to the changing environment.


  A. Reorganization decision consultation


  Many factors leading to the enterprises operating difficulties, such as changes in the external environment, business decisions failure, the debt burden. Reorganization is one way to break the management predicament. But reorganization lack legal constraints, the negotiation task of reorganization is arduous, easy to break up because of a disapproval. Hasty decision to reorganize will push the enterprise onto a "point of no return", not only can not find shortcut to quick turnaround and quickly become bigger, but may bring about immeasurable loss, policymakers will bear corresponding responsibility.

  The reorganization decision consultation of  SLEEING  taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of reorganization planning and tax planning as a means, to assist enterprises organizations comprehensive evaluate strategic posture, and make the strategic decision according to the specific circumstances, realize the Optimal allocation and utilization of resources, enhance the entrepreneurial capacity.


  B. Reorganization implementation consultation


  The transaction price of the reorganization is the starting point of the recombinant feasibility analysis and the fundamental basis, the transaction price is reasonable or not directly related to the level of risk of the reorganization. But as the starting point, information degree and evaluation methods are different, the valuation results of reorganize target existing some differences between the parties of reorganization. If you can't negotiate agree and sign the contract, reorganization died is the inevitable. In recent years, China's listing Corporation reorganization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises to become the enterprise reorganization highlights. But once failure, it will not only waste all the reform achievements, and may lead to social shock, endanger social stability.

  The reorganization implementation consultation of  SLEEING  taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of reorganize negotiations, contract signing, the listing corporation reorganization, restructuring of state-owned enterprises as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization find value and reengineering the value, realize the maximization of enterprise value.


  C. Reorganization integration consultation


  The strategy, resources, capabilities, and cultural of enterprise have differences between before and after of reorganization, the role and market position in the market competition is different too. If the reorganized enterprise cannot effective integration under the new environment and new role, the reorganized enterprise not only cannot achieve synergies, enhance the entrepreneurial ability, realize the value of reorganization, but also threat the enterprise's operation efficiency and value creation due to the implementation of the strategic reorganization.

  The reorganization integration consultation of  SLEEING  taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of strategic integration, resource integration, ability integration, cultural integration as the means, to assist the reorganized enterprise established the comprehensive integration system, arrange systematically the production elements of the enterprise after reorganize, in order to exert the potential efficacy and the market value of reorganization.


Reorganization consulting programme of SLEEING




  Value of reorganization consulting


  Reorganization consulting of SLEEING through reconfigure the organization, human, financial, technical, management and other product factors, assist the entrepreneurial organization to give up some business and assets that are not closely linked with leading industries, does not meet the enterprise long-term business strategy, lack of growth potential, and restructure the business front. Enterprises can get rid of the burden of losses, invigorated the stock assets, eliminate the negative cooperativity through the reorganize strategy. At the same time, it can increase the cash income, promote the level of profits, implantation dominant industry, remodeling the entrepreneurial ability, and adapt to the changing environment.