Enterprises dissolution consulting demand


  In the modern social and economic life, enterprises as a person has a natural process of generation, growth, aging, until termination. When the enterprise is in the dilemma of development or management deadlock, normal operation is difficult to create profits, enterprises through dissolution can avoid greater losses, seek new development path, realize the maximization of their own interests. The termination of the enterprise is a common phenomenon, but it will produce major effect to its investors, creditors, debtor, employees and other stakeholders. Prior to termination, enterprises should settle various related interest, and eradicate the rights and obligations between enterprises and related subjects. Otherwise it will affect the stable social order, receive proper legal sanctions. After the dissolution appears, The entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method to clean up the enterprise's property and debt in accordance with the legal, end the existing legal relationship of enterprises, settle up debts and business of the enterprise, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders according to the legal, regulations or rules.


  Overall framework of enterprises dissolution consulting


  Enterprises dissolution consulting of SLEEING includes three modules – dissolution start-up, dissolution executive, dissolution concluded. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, to assist the enterprises organization dissolve by law in the guidance of entrepreneurial planning, so as to settle legal liability, avoid greater losses, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.


  A. Dissolution start-up consultation


  In modern society, enterprise is the direct undertaker of social and economic activities. Maintenance is the premise and foundation of enterprises to carry out the modern commercial trading activities. However, Maintenance is not the ultimate goal of the existence of the enterprise. when the enterprise to maintain not conducive to enterprise development, shareholder rights and interests or public interests, the enterprise should carry the dissolution and liquidation in accordance with legal procedures. The production and business operation activities of the enterprise formed a perplexing relationship among the enterprise and other social members. Once the enterprise dissolution, it will have a considerable negative effects bound to the investors, creditors or debtors, other stakeholders and the country. Improper dissolution enterprises not only cannot solve the problem, but will leave many sequelae.

  The dissolution start-up consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of causes for dissolution, liquidation group set-up as a means, to assist enterprises organizations make the decision of dissolution in accordance with the business environment and the legal requirements, and establish a liquidation organization safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, properly handle the aftermath.


  B. Dissolution executive consultation


  The dissolution executive is necessary procedure to eliminate enterprise legal person, otherwise it will bear the corresponding legal responsibility. Such as development and business activities unrelated to the liquidation; concealment or intentional destruction the accounting vouchers, accounting books, financial and accounting reports; willfully or through gross negligence caused the loss to the company or its creditors. These actions will take some administrative, civil and criminal liability.

  The dissolution executive consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of end of existing transaction, inventory of enterprise assets, liquidation of corporate debt, distribution of surplus property as a means, to assist enterprises organization executive dissolution and liquidation in accordance with the conditions, order, form specified by law, maintain credibility and legitimacy of enterprise property disposition and prepayment.


  C. Dissolution concluded consultation


  Enterprise liquidation system is the guarantee to comprehensive protect the interests of investors and creditors. It beneficial to shareholders and creditors has a certain predictability in the business risk after corporate dissolution and prepare fully . But after dissolution executive, only through the legal way to exit the market can produce legal effects of dissolution liquidation. Otherwise it will increase business risk, resulting in social economic order in the chaos, subjected to the corresponding legal sanctions.

  The dissolution concluded consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of company dissolution concluded, partnership firm dissolution concluded, sole proprietorship enterprise dissolution concluded as a means, to assist the different types of entrepreneurial organizations exit the market in accordance with legal way, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors and creditors.


  Enterprises dissolution consulting programme of SLEEING





  Value of enterprises dissolution consulting


  Enterprises dissolution consulting of SLEEING though cleaning up the property, credit and debt of the enterprise, end the existing legal relationship of enterprises according to the legal, regulations or rules, assist the entrepreneurial organization seek solutions, settle legal responsibility, avoid greater losses, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests in the causes of termination.