Enterprise bankruptcy consulting demand


  Market economy is a competitive economy, the survival of the fittest can hardly be avoided in the action of law of value. Bankruptcy liquidation become an important way for enterprises of business failure withdraw from the market. When the enterprises facing difficulties in production and management, capital chain rupture, into a debt crisis, the verge of collapse under the extrusion of multiple factors, the creditor may apply for bankruptcy of the debtor to protect their legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, the debtor may also through bankruptcy find the opportunity of reconciliation with creditor and reorganization, strive to out of financial distress though continue operating, implementation stage a comeback. But compared with the ongoing businesses, the body of internal control and the relationship between human has undergone significant change when the enterprises entered bankruptcy proceedings. The bankruptcy liquidation is prone to fraud, bribery, illegal liquidation which serious harm to the creditor rights, resulting in the loss of state-owned assets, defiled the bankruptcy legal system, harm social stability.When the enterprise is unable to repay debts, and its assets are insufficient to pay off all the debts or lack of liquidity, the entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method to get out of debt, reconstruct trade credit, implement enterprise regeneration through the procedures of bankruptcy liquidation, bankruptcy reconciliation and reorganization.


  Overall framework of enterprise bankruptcy consulting


  Enterprise bankruptcy consulting of SLEEING includes three modules – bankruptcy initiation, bankruptcy preparation, bankruptcy regeneration, bankruptcy liquidation. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, assist the debtor enterprises already bankrupt or in the brink of bankruptcy to resolve the economic crisis, reconstruction of trade credit, reduce bankruptcy costs, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.


  A. Bankruptcy initiation consultation


  Growth is the main direction of enterprises, but in the face of the fierce market competition, there are still many enterprises facing bankruptcy dilemma. When the enterprise’s liabilities more than assets caused by strategic decision-making mistakes, strategic resources do not match, the corporate culture alienation, enterprise crisis mismanagement etc., enterprises can through the bankruptcy debt repayment, but also have the opportunity to obtain regeneration through the bankruptcy prevention program of bankruptcy reconciliation and reorganization. But the bankruptcy start not only touches the rights of the stakeholders, but also restricted by law. Bankruptcy fraud and other illegal behavior not only cannot help the enterprise to escape debt, but will lose the opportunity of regeneration, and bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

  The bankruptcy initiation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of bankruptcy petition and trustee in bankruptcy as a means, to assist the entrepreneurship organizational stakeholders strictly perform their statutory duties, select appropriate trustee, safeguard fair, open and efficient of the bankruptcy procedure.


  B. Bankruptcy preparation consultation


  In a market economy, business process is very complex, which makes the definition of the bankruptcy property and bankruptcy of enterprises with considerable complexity. Once the trustee is not incorporated into the bankruptcy property or bankruptcy claims should be included, will cause damage to the property of the debtor or the interests loss of creditors. On the contrary, it will cause rights disputes, increase the bankruptcy expenses, assume the corresponding responsibility if caused some damage.

  The bankruptcy preparation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of  property inventory and creditor's rights definition as a means, to assist trustee clearly define the bankrupt property, confirm the bankruptcy obligatory rights, guarantee interests of the debtor, creditors and other stakeholders.


  C. Bankruptcy regeneration consultation


  The basic law of the market economy is the survival of the fittest, business failure to withdraw from the market is the inevitable result of competition. But along with the social mode of production and the scale of enterprise organization form, the consequences of bankruptcy is more and more serious. Through the reconstruction of enterprise to pay off the debts, not only creditors could obtain a debt recovery ratio higher than bankruptcy, the debtor cannot collapse, investors can continue to receive interest from the existence enterprise. But on the road of prevention of bankruptcy, there are many risks, such as planning, coordinate stakeholder, communicate with government and court etc.. Once the improper disposal, enterprises will lose the opportunity of regeneration.

  The bankruptcy regeneration consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of bankruptcy reconciliation and bankruptcy reorganization as a means, to assist the debtor enterprises already bankrupt or in the brink of bankruptcy to formulate rescue measures, strive for the opportunity of regeneration.


  D. Bankruptcy liquidation consultation


  After takeover the bankruptcy property, trustee will clean, verification, handling cash and distribute the limited property to creditor. Due to the bankruptcy property limited can not pay off all the debt, how to maintain the relative balance between the various stakeholders is a very sharp contradiction problem.

  The bankruptcy liquidation consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of adjudged bankrupt, property conversion, distribution of property, proceedings conclusion as a means, to assist the stakeholders prevent bankruptcy liquidation risk, maintaining an open, fair and the efficiency of bankruptcy distribution.


Enterprises bankruptcy consulting programme of SLEEING





  Value of enterprise bankruptcy consulting


  Enterprise bankruptcy consulting of SLEEING through refinement and optimization of bankruptcy management procedures, contribute to debtor enterprise bankrupted or insolvent resolve the economic crisis, reconstruct trade credit, reduce bankruptcy costs, protection the interests of debtor, creditors and other stakeholders.